About this blog

This blog is intended to keep customer's of Quantix up to date with the latest technical and product news on Juniper products.

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Advanced EndPoint Defense is no more...until Juniper find a replacement!

Advanced EndPoint Defense was announced for the Juniper SSL VPN appliances in May 2005.
This was an initiative to integrate the technology Symantec had acquired through the WholeSecure acquisition earlier in 2005. The licence allowed customers to activate Malware protection on the SA appliances that was embedded into the IVE OS.
Unfortunately as Symantec have discontinued the product the OEM has now been disbanded, which has resulted in the AED partcodes being removed from the price list. At this moment in time Juniper haven't announced a replacement agreement, but I would expect this early 2009.
If you are already running AED and have any additional questions please mail me at andrews@quantix-uk.com

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Introducing....The worlds fastest firewall

Juniper have released the SRX-series Services Gateway this week and are claiming the SRX 5800 is the fastest on the market. Here are the stats:

Firewall Performance - 120 Gbps

IDP Performance - 30 Gbps

Max Concurrent Sessions - 4 Million

Juniper Networks Dynamic Services Architecture designed to help high-performance businesses tightly align rapidly changing business requirements with technology investments to accelerate new service deployments.

The Dynamic Services Architecture is the foundation upon which the new Juniper Networks SRX dynamic services gateways are built.

  • Juniper Networks SRX 5600 and 5800 series dynamic services gateway are a new category of extensible networking and security devices that set unprecedented benchmarks for high-performance networking
  • Allows innovative businesses to deploy a high-performance network infrastructure that scales in both performance and security
  • Delivers up to 120+ Gbps firewall throughput - an order of magnitude increase in processing speed compared to traditional firewalls and integrates Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDos/DoS), Network Address Translation (NAT), dynamic routing and Quality of Service (QoS) with additional services in the future to continuously deliver a superior user experience
  • Offers the industry's first dual management engine and purpose-built, carrier-class terabit speed fabric, allowing for extensibility to deliver scalable performance based on a family of right-sized devices, services, processing and input/output modules
  • Runs on Juniper's powerful JUNOS® software to enable businesses to deploy switching, routing and security infrastructure with the power of a single network operating system
  • Reduces operational cost and complexity

Juniper's startegy is normally to release new products into the service provider space and then scale the technology down for the corporate market. I therefore wouldn't be too suprised to see a clutch of smaller SRX JUNOS firewalls be released at the end of the year.

If you would like more information on any of the Juniper product range then please visit the Quantix website or contact one of our Juniper coonsultants on 0115 983 6427



Thursday, 11 September 2008

Juniper End of Life Announcements


Just a quick post as I thought it would be a good idea to put together a list of End of.....announcements that you may need to be aware of in September.

Products going end of sales life:

J2300 Router .................................................30/9/08
EPIMS for the J series and NS Firewalls....30/9/08
Netscreen 204 and 208 Firewalls................30/9/08
Last Date to Convert Warranty:
DX 3200..........................................................15/9/08
The main things to note are really if for whatever reason you need to buy a 204/208 to provide a failover or want to get your DX3200 under next day support, then it needs actioning ASAP.

If you requre further information about the above end of life announcements or would like further information about any of the Juniper product range, then please do not hesitate to visit the Quantix website or call one of our Juniper Consultants on 0115 983 6247

Monday, 1 September 2008

Quantix Rapid Recovery Service Shortlisted for Innovation Award

Quantix have been nominated as a finalist for our Rapid Recovery Service in the "Innovation thorough Technology" category for the upcoming Chamber of Commerce award ceremony.

The service offered by Quantix is a fully managed disaster recovery process, 24x7x365 and provides the follwing benefits to clients:

- A Recovery Point Objective for data of up to 10 mins

- Instant Recovery Time

- A fixed monthly fee with no upfront kit costs

- Web based portal for user access in case of site evacuation

- Purpose built DataCentre

- Acclerated Private Link to Datacentre

- DR Server Load Balancing

- No need to licence applications on replicated DR servers

The infrastructure to deliver Rapid Recovery has been built using Juniper's High Perfromance Networking Technology to deliver a reactive and flexible service to our clients.