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Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Juniper Jobs

As a Juniper Services Company, demand from customers for utlising our consultants for project work is sky high at the moment. I'm not sure whether this is down to the fact that we are a growing company or whether due to the financial climate, restructing of staff and redundancies have left skills gaps in clients IT departments.

Anyway this recent surge led me to have a look at the state of the Juniper Jobs Market and I thought I'd share these interesting stats with you from itjobswatch.

For the 6 months to 20 October 2008, IT jobs within the UK citing Juniper also mentioned the following IT skills in order of popularity:

Cisco 78.9%
CheckPoint 39.7%
Windows 17.51%
BlueCoat 15.58%
Linux 13.43%
Nortel 10.65%

For the 3 months to 2o October 2008, below shows the geographic location of Juniper Jobs based on UK Job Adverts citing Juniper:


London 439
South East 271
Berkshire 98
Hampshire 78
Reading 51
North West 41
Basingstoke 38
East of England 31
Surrey 30
Manchester 22
Yorkshire 18
West Midlands 18

For the 6 months to 20 October 2008, IT jobs within the UK citing Juniper were in the following industry sectors:

Finance 14.67%
IT/Telecoms 12.12%
Health 3.40%
Government 3.12%
Education 1.76%
Retail 1.42%
Marketing 1.02%
Legal 0.74%
Manufacturing 0.17%

And finally, the average salary for Jobs citing Juniper over the last 3 months was £46,412.

I hope you find this as interesting as I did.



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